Thursday, January 18, 2007


The day has just begun, but so far the leaders in celebrity scandals for January 18 are "Grey's Anatomy"'s actor Isaiah Washington and Holywood bad girl Lindsay Lohan.

GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has asked for an apology from Washington for (1) calling castmate T.R. Knight (who is gay) a "faggot" on the show's set during an argument with another castmate and (2) denying to a reporter that he called Knight a "faggot" (but saying the dreaded word again) at this week's "Golden Globe Awards."

What do you suppose Washington's apology will sound like? "I'd like to sincerely apologize to all the dykes and faggots of the world..." He just doesn't seem to get it, does he?

As for Ms. Lohan, she has checked herself into a rehab. I guess carrying around that AA book at L.A. nightspots hasn't done much for her sobriety. This is the girl who recently admittted she was in AA, but added she had not stopped drinking.

The "Earful of Cool" team wishes both Washington and Lohan success in turning a new leaf.

1 comment:

Matt said...

When black folk stop calling me and TR Knight, et al faggots, I'll stop calling them negroes, colored, mulatto, etc. The best thing to do to these faith-based fascists is to throw their rhetoric back in their faces.

Steve Garbarino never got the joke, but then he is a straight liberal pig.