Friday, June 29, 2007


(1) You graduated from a liberal arts school whose football team hasn't won a game since the Reagan administration.

(2) You frequently use the term "post-modern" (or its commonly used variation "PoMo") as an adjective, noun, and verb.

(3) You carry a shoulder-strap messenger bag and have at one time or another worn a pair of horn-rimmed Elvis Costello-style glasses.

(4) You spend much of your leisure time in bars and restaurants with monosyllabic names like Plant, Bound, and Shine.

(5) You have one Republican friend who you always describe as being your "One Republican friend."

(6) Your hair looks best unwashed and you position your head on your pillow at night in a way that maximizes your cowlicks.

(7) You own records put out by Matador, DFA, Definitive Jux, Dischord, Warp, Thrill Jockey, Smells Like Records, and Drag City.

(8) You bought your dishes and a checkered table cloth at a thrift store to be kitschy, and often throw vegetarian dinner parties.

(9) You enjoy complaining about gentrification even though you are respinsible for it yourself.

(10) You have refined taste and consider yourself exceptionally cultured, but have one pop vice (ElimiDATE, Quiet Riot and Entertainment Weekly).

(11) You have kissed someone of the same gender and often bring this up in conversation.

* All of it cribbed from Robert Lanham's insightful "The Hipster Handbook." (

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