Friday, December 22, 2006


Is anyone else a little freaked out by those GAP commercials with Audrey Hepburn dancing around to AC/DC's "Back In Black"? Sure, the piece is creative - ahem, but what would the oft Givenchy-(not GAP)-clad Ms. Hepburn, who spent the last decades of her life working for UNICEF, think of her image being used to shill clothes made by cheap labor in some parts of the world?

It just freaks me out that the GAP continues to use the images of deceased idols to pimp their threads. Jack Kerouac? REALLY? Jack Kerouac wore GAP khakis? Maybe in his last few years when he was a bloated alcoholic hermit who never left the living room of his St. Petersburg house because he was waiting for "The Beverly Hillbillies" to come on television. But even still, no he didn't. Not, at least, when he was rebelling against conformity and living on amphetamines, out of a "rucksack" proselytizing about Buddhism and trying to get "real gone" black chicks in Harlem to sleep with him.

But, you know who did wear GAP?
And, Amelia Earhart.
Pontius Pilate wore the GAP because he was a badass.
And come to think of it, didn't the Rat Pack wear GAP?

P.S. Jesus's swaddling clothes? Baby GAP.


beki said...

Yeah, so the Audrey/GAP thing offends me even more than the Leisha Haley/"chocolate covered heels" thing ever did (which is a lot).

Ghandi - Totally.
Amelia - Absolutely.
But Pontius Pilate? I just don't see it. Unless, maybe it was given some particularly weird/heinous paragraph of a Bulgakov novel, that is. Pontius just says "ABERCROMBIE" to me.

hugh beaumont said...

I got pissed when they used Miles Davis a few years ago. In that incarnation, Miles was dressed so preppy that you'd feel sorry for him, given the way he dressed later in the day. Even if you hate jazz, Miles Davis was so cool it didn't matter. To show him in Khakis and a button-down oxford shirt was just stupid...

Unknown said...

Wanna see a "gap"?

Jeff said...

Eventually they'll run out of celebrities to exploit from the dead.

Can't wait until they put Capote in cargo shorts.