Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Wow, what polar opposites being laid to rest this week. If there is a dance floor in heaven, I'm trying to imagine the Godfather of Soul and former President Ford, spoofed constantly for his lack of grace, both dancing on it at the same time.

I don't like generalizing, but have any of our presidents been good dancers? Could Clinton dance? He sure couldn't play the sax, but he gets points for at least being attracted to a badass instrument.

Does anyone know? Could Lincoln do the "Centipede"? I picture Lincoln doing an okay "Robot," but that may be from one too many trips to Disney World's "Hall of Presidents."


Rommie said...

I believe Clinton preferred the Lambada.

Gina Vivinetto said...

Yes, I believe you're right. I remember footage of Gore doing the "Mackerena". He really sucked.

1234512345 said...

I hear Martin Van Buren was a fan of the foxtrot.